
Free Lance

The quest for winter sunshine washes The gasping survivor up on the shore Much that’s done isn’t meant Much that’s meant isn’t done I take it up & at the beck & call Of some remote agency I stick it in & when it’s over I pull it out again Like the bloody assegai of…

Trying To Believe

There’s nothing gentle where Aphrodite was. Empty mountain and grasshoppers banging into me. Maybe there never was. But I go up again and again to search under thorn bushes and rocks. Am grateful for the marble upper arm big as my thumb. A shard with a man’s feet and a shard with the feet of…


A month gone by, and days like clouds form above the sea. A man I met smiled at me from a chair, took my hand, talked to me simply. When I turn in the warm bed windowpanes, rain light, and the garden whiten under the moon. Memory colors me like a flush. I lie on…

Today I Read The Children

the Nigerian gods were cooks. They made the babies for the people, each baby carefully shaped, slant of the eyes tone of voice the way the legs would leap and climb sparse hills. Each time the gods cooked a batch of babies enemy gods blew up a storm whipping the treetops where the babies cradled…