
Sewanee in Ruins, Part Two

Gladly they turned from the tragedy of six years gone to peaceful forests. Yet for many, old at twenty, life seemed phantasmagoric; and Cupid stumped on crutches. They took mint from the cold, cave-mouth springs and drank in the cool evenings, and drank in the warm afternoons, or dozed and dreamed, the ruined ladies, the…

All Small Creatures

In the garden a doe and fawn chew roses with pink geraniums. A grey three-legged cat lurching across the lawn freezes to sniff a gopher hole. Smooth as thin milk, a shiny snake flows into the ivy leaves. Lady-birds swarm in the air, like gnats. One living thing is still: a slimy slug, poor homeless…

The Transfiguration

That morning there was no sun, only a powder of strong light as if two suns were shining. We awoke in an armistice of colors, colors hiding in the depths of themselves, their white Sunday clothes. Came noon, the bearer of fruits that assuage no hunger. In the testicles, joy: the sign that somewhere the…

Two Sections from Elijah

1. I lived as others do, avoiding death, deploring evils I dared not oppose, and making what I could of the distractions, until I woke one morning with the words: “There shall be neither rain nor dew these       years except according to my word; thus saith the Lord” — and I, as one still…


When thinking fails a certain love shrivels when thinking flaps its wings like a confused sparrow the hungry owl is alerted when thinking tries to bully itself a trap door opens onto a coffin lined with gymnastic weights but when thinking steps outside itself . . . cross any border with oxygen your only luggage!

The Last Supper

We sit down at the table, with the herbs, the dish of salt, the plates and the broken bread. Everything is in order, everyone in his place peers out like a sentry from his skull, when the door opens and we see the palms of heaven. No one disturbs us, and yet news arrives: we…

If Innocent

(“If Innocent” is from The Idiot Princess of the Last Dynasty, a book-length collection of monologues spoken by Dr. Matthew Mighty-grain-o-salt Dante O’Connor, the character in Djuna Barnes’ novel Nightwood. O’Connor is an American Irishman from San Francisco, a flamboyantly homosexual, unlicensed gynecologist, and a non-stop raconteur. In “If Innocent” he recalls (for Ignace, his…

Eating Carp

Selfless deeds have a way of repaying their doer. for instance, the man, a simple business traveler who rescues a pitiful horse from a mud hole, covers him with his cloak, doesn’t return in the next life as a pony stuck like a bewildered musician in a swamp eyeing people going by with eyes brimming…

Times at Cassis

On my longest walk I saw the coast’s down-slant three times repeated: in the eaten-under limestone across the channel; the color of hidden candlelight under the chateau, des Lombards; then red in the huge cape — each layer as if wanting to slip undersea, and then another above, the pressure, and the last exploding in…