

In advance, much deconstruction and rebuilding. You guess what each part must do at a crucial moment then memorize the whole. If every click is not dreamlike you take it down again. Much bathing of stars and rings and springs in clear solvents. Letters with numbered codes and curious names go out at night to…


We’ve read much, we’ve forgotten much. Afterward we      unlearned all we had learned — what lead and what gold seals — forgeries, counterfeits, rub outs with a razor blade, a penknife, with gum erasers      or a fountain pen; and the new script spreading on the parchment, betraying the usurper of others’ perogatives and titles, the…


* Is it for me to call her by her name, she at whose command the air is blessed tonight and the roads lie without the slightest ounce of perturbation Ezi di mma? Or is it for me to hold back from all such mention of her name and let what is sheltered rest as…

Improvised Achievement

He took off his watch, wound it, undressed. One      movement to unfold the blanket. And he remained like that. He had      forgotten something. There was something he hadn’t finished. The      obstacle: perhaps that red sack on the chair, perhaps the black cap on the trunk. And automatically he turned toward the dark mirror. Inside there:…

Here Is What I Experienced

Almonds that meet the aroma of horses, and apple orchards in October, oaths sworn in dawn mist, the porgy roaming the ocean floor with one eye open to the sea. I hold you near my elbow, and far away on the mountain you gather the soaked grain that the orphaned Assyrian carries      to his mother….


– But what do you want? – A life. – A life? *     *      * It's possible to love solitude when you're surrounded by a life-with-others. When there is no life-with-others, ultimate things lose their relative meaning. *     *      * In folk tales, what we've come to consider the human world, the real real world, is the…