
Finding the Andromeda Nebula

1 Start with the brightest star in the square of Pegasus. Follow the row of stars running Northeast across the heavens, below Cassiopeia. That’s Andromeda chained to her rock. Find the one star that makes you question your vision. That’s the Andromeda Nebula, a hundred billion stars spinning like a pin-wheel, so far away that…

Boomerang Tears

Report: Bonnie Brown-committed 1971, age fifteen. Lesbian, user of hallucinogenics, murder suspect. Note: Dr. Frond-This patient has refused to see any of our doctors since she was admitted three years ago. Because of her supposed potential violence she has to be on complete security. She recently requested to have an appointment with a doctor, and…

purgas purfling

     orphalese in orle. kestrel khansamah khanjee keyed. orsellic                                                ort. purgations eurydice bulbous. of her golden smock, her tablet ornithodelphid. components enacted.                              ornithopilous ormazd descending from his aeolian heights,                                                      killing scapes with his orisort feet.      ork orillion…


A god was a time tub and A mane was a name but God mite saw and but a Tub dog—saw and mite a Saw saw dog but was god Was tub but saw a but Saw dan—was a time tub But god was a time and Shut up Art Garfunkel Uskers

Contributors’ Notes

MASTHEAD Directors DeWitt Henry Peter O'Malley Coordinating Editor for This Issue Paul Hannigan Associate Editor James Randall CONTRIBUTORS RUSSELL BANKS is an old dear friend of the editor of this issue of Ploughshares. JAY BOGGIS is one of the editor's favorite friends. GEORGE BOGIN is one of those rare people the editor has never met….