
You Open Your Hands

You learned the intimate— to recognize faces, latch on to the breast, cry out your pain, smile into a smile —and you held that knowledge close in your strong reflexive grasp, as if under your fingers, those tender miniatures, a secret lay at the center of your palm. Now you unfist your hands and reach…

What to Tip the Boatman?

Delicate—the way at three she touched her hands tip to tip, each finger a rib framing the teepee of her hands. So tentative that joining, taking tender hold of her body, as if the ballast of her selfhood rested there. Already she could thread tiny beads through the eye and onto string, correctly placing each…

Those Alternate Sundays

for Kiernan when my daughter’s tugged     home—diminishing yellow skull         a balloon blown beyond the western pond—the raspberry tang of shampoo     seeps into pillows and futon;         her tuneless whistle needles the hall; the torn, lacy hem of her soul     nestles among Victorian dolls         strung in hammocks along one wall. Porcelain…


When I smashed the plastic Barney plate to smithereens, bashing it over and over against the slate rim of the sink as yellow shards flew all over the kitchen floor, the children were upstairs, and I was thankful they hadn’t seen me like that, or been scared. I could sweep up everything, through a smear…

A Blessing

I rejoice in the poems not written: the cruelly discarded: the crippled, the asthmatic, the anemic: the poem about a photograph: about what love is like: about how strangely I felt that day: about something about me, noticed. Bless you, go on the ash-heap, that fine compost from muscle, blood, bone, which fuels surely the…


The lovely lady posted in red No Hunting. Last night the supreme hunter crossed the meadow, into the house, to the target.

Missing World

In the grand scheme of things, These words are smaller Than one pixel in a black And white photograph, A grain of sand, smaller Than molecules—no— Smaller than that. Zoom out, as in those old Science films in junior high, From one letter of one Of these words, out— To the room, above The house,…