
The Subway Platform

And then the gray concrete of the subway platform, that shore     stripped of all premise of softness or repose. I stood there, beneath the city’s sequential grids     and frameworks, its wrappings and unwrappings like a robe sewn with birds that flew into seasons of light,     a robe of gold and then a…

Negative Capability

Soft, dead rain and raw. Fingers of asparagus halted, dandelions pinched in a slate lace of failed snow, air loaded with undelivered light. Lovely, a pleasure to step back on the weak sod into the last century (old as this one is) behind the whackily settled house, ell and barn to the tipsy, heaved outhouse,…

Mayo ham & cheese

mayo ham & cheese    mayonnaise, jambon, fromage    lettuce, tomato two slices wheat bread    golden delicious apple    pack of snack crackers iced tea in the fridge    (instant) or if you prefer    instant lemonade they’re feeding us too well    not that I’m getting worried    I’m enjoying camp I think I’ll come back    that’s better than misery    better…


He was the yard dog’s yard dog. His heads accessorized with snakes. His tail a scorpion’s, and his slaver, a seed bank for Hell’s herbarium. And his bites were worse than his barks. What did he do in the underworld except to guard the stairs leading away from the bitter tide lap of the Styx?…

John Keats in Colorado

for Leslie and Kitty Norris He has no choice: he must leave England and travel, not to Rome, a mistake in his case, but to Colorado where the mountain air and winter sun will clear his lungs. He’ll pack a twig from the plum tree and some gravel from the garden walk. He’ll sing to…


SIDE A— the face handled careful, black wax grooves going round in an endless endless grin— King Louis Armstrong blowing like no tomorrow. Oooh hoo I wanna be like you-who— Pops wipes his brow with a kerchief as if cleaning a needle, a skipping dusty LP. An ape like me would love to be human…

The Dolphin

When the fin of faithlessness appeared I watched it circle, dip, and veer then ride the swells. Where I stood, on shore among the surf-casters’ gear, RVs and 4 x 4’s, I tried to guess where it would rise, sleek bottlenose breaking next, so I might measure the erratic progress that it made beyond the…


On two occasions in the past twelve months I have failed, when someone at a party spoke of him with a dismissive scorn, to stand up for D. H. Lawrence, a man who burned like an acetylene torch from one end to the other of his life. These individuals, whose relationship to literature is approximately…