Search Results for: translation

black and white photograph of an old railroad track

The Country Inside Your Skin: Reading Old Rendering Plant in the Alamo City

The Alamo is a physical manifestation of Stasi-like doublespeak, a celebration of white mediocrity, white insularity, and the deep need to claim victory at all costs despite thorough defeat—a strategy for decentering truth not unlike the modus operandi of the Trump administration or its lackeys.

Ting Wang

Ting Wang discovered her passion for literary translation while studying American and British literature in mainland China. Her translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Asymptote, Asian American Literary Review, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Brooklyn Rail InTranslation, Denver Quarterly, The Iowa Review, The Massachusetts Review, Metamorphoses: A Journal of Literary Translation, Michigan Quarterly Review, Your Impossible…

vintage map of the world with a compass on top

Reading Roughly

It doesn’t take much formal study to read a novel in another language, if you don’t mind being unable to understand the occasional sentence or paragraph. It depends more on guessing and sympathy with a particular language or culture than it does on a knowledge of grammar or vocabulary.