Search Results for: translation

Donald Trump speaking behind a podium reading "Trump Pence" in front of a crowd

Plurality Trumps Homogeneity: Listening to Different Voices Makes Us Great Again

From its bloody beginnings to its glorious establishment, America has always been a country of immigrants, of diverse groups, of different skin tones and dialects, of the tired and poor. What made America great, and what could make America great again, is this multitudinous quality, this possibility, this richness of variety.

Resisting Temptations While Translating: An Interview with Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson

Resisting Temptations While Translating: An Interview with Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson

Chronicle of the Murdered House is certainly Cardoso’s best-known work, and also a bold one, in that it is not the most accessible of books. So it is both an obvious starting point, and a difficult one. Perhaps that is why it has taken to so long to bring to readers in English.

ARRIVAL and the False Dichotomy of Free Will vs Determinism

ARRIVAL and the False Dichotomy of Free Will vs Determinism

ARRIVAL has been hailed for carving a space for the “literary science fiction movie,” and rightly so. Director Denis Villeneuve achieved the nearly impossible feat of making a compelling, relatively crowd-pleasing movie about linguistics, complete with a new alien language composed of 100 logograms, while also weaving in themes of international cooperation, humanism, and empathy.