

Just for once, I want to witness the going away. I want to catch the moment, cup it in my hands, and see it blink and glow. But in this dream, the Valley Line shrieks from Grand Central hours before I arrive. Or I reach Port Canaveral after the Boatswain’s final call. I’m alone on…

Turning the Brightness Up to Bleach

What we have made is flyover country.                     Gulch of drip-coffee pleasance, my beige blanket’s deafening                                           softness keeping the edges blurred.                            No glint.   Viewed from above the fields stitch together. Belief in the human quilt. Belief in turning away from the needle’s sharp point, belief that the gauntlet   valleyed by rage and time…

Private Practice

Can I leave now? is all a teenage client monotones again and again     in our first session together. I can only help if you talk to me   is what I’m supposed to say to him. Last night I played solitaire   and didn’t cheat, stacked my red cards, stacked my black, as…

Foretaste of Disaster

Young, therefore vain & wingless, he lets his father tie a blue thread around his chest. It is before the famous tragedy, the fall. Before the imminent sea. The coast still composed in subdued hues & regimented patterns. The abstraction of waves has yet to be mutilated by a scream. Human position yet to be…

Aubade for a Year [Without]

The cattle dog sniffs around for something to chew & I get it, I do, the small snuffbox, the paper matches sulfuring inside my belly, reaching out for whatever wet thing will not burn nevertheless must burn. One morning, buds on the branches as bloodlings & another morning green, verdant fucking green swooshing in the…

The Autumn of Her Discontent

The Japanese maple has left her red-handed prints all over town— guilty of fall and of falling.   Even Eve in her fig leaves was not arrayed as one of these— as fallen woman, lady in red   with each painted finger as pointed as a scarlet letter A. Everyone’s always looking for the luminous,…

twelve minutes a slave

we held a slave auction in class today— probably not a state-sanctioned component of AP U.S. History. but Mr. S made a block out of the front-row desks, cordoned it off with backward-facing chairs. he shame-forced Tony Miller above us and introduced him as “item #5.” he’d prepared a catalog: a one-sided sepia sheet with…