
John C. Zacharis First Book Award

Ploughshares is pleased to present Xuan Juliana Wang with the twenty-ninth annual John C. Zacharis First Book Award for her collection, Home Remedies (Hogarth, 2019). The $1,500 award, which is named after Emerson College’s former president, honors the best debut book by a Ploughshares writer, alternating annually between poetry and fiction. This year’s judge was…


Same one we’d kept in the garage   or in the toolshed my whole life, same   loose handle, same tarnished blade. I’d seen my father   sharpen it on the bench grinder, sparks flying, to cut   through roots or hardened soil. Same one I’d used   to replant our overgrown geraniums one spring,…

Editor’s Shelf

Book Recommendations from Our Former Guest Editors Tess Gallagher recommends To the Wren: Collected & New Poems 1991–2019 by Jane Mead (Alice James Books, 2019). “This book collecting all of Jane’s work from 1991 to 2019 arrives as we look to celebrate this incomparable writer’s tough-tender true-hearted way of singularly bringing into language ways of…


Not my daughter and me saying once, and once again, to remember we need tofu. But more me saying, please call if you’re going to be really late. And then we’re way past re-, and eyerolls won’t undo it, and compulsion won’t let the mind rev any way but. There’s a moth—the greater wax moth—that…


There was a time when, sitting in a parking lot, I could make the parked car in front of me dematerialize. Could drive straight through it, if I wanted to. That was an unwashed time, birdcalls trapped in drawers, matching sets of months when a face could never move a face again. Dematerializing the parked…