Search Results for: translation

Julio Marzan

Julio Marzan has published two books of poetry, Translations Without Originals and Puerta de Tierra, as well as The Spanish American Roots of William Carlos Williams (Texas). He has also translated Selected Poems: Luis Palés Matos (Arte Público). Poems have appeared in Harper’s, Parnassus, The Massachusetts Review, Tin House, and New Letters.

Eugene Richie

Eugene Richie (trans.) has studied English and American literature and romance languages at Stanford, Columbia, and New York University, and now teaches at Pace University in New York City. His translations of the work of South American authors have appeared in literary journals and in the Anthology of Contemporary Latin American Literature: 1960-1984 (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press,…

Kai Maristed

Kai Maristed is the author of three novels, including Broken Ground (Counterpoint, 2003), a Berlin Wall journey, and the story collection Belong to Me (starred by Publisher’s Weekly). Her work has appeared in Anchor Best Essays, The Kenyon Review, Agni, and most recently in The Southwest Review, The Michigan Quarterly, and The Iowa Review. Her…

Jennifer Kronovet

Jennifer Kronovet works for the Poetry Society of America in New York City. Her poems have appeared in Delmar, Meridian, Post Road, and Poetry Northwest. She holds an M.F.A. from Washington University and is currently collaborating on translations of the Yiddish writer Celia Dropkin.

Bei Ling

Bei Ling, a poet and essayist, is the founder and editor of Tendency, an exile literary journal published in Chinese. He is also Executive Director of the Independent Chinese PEN Center; on the board of the International Center for Writing and Translation at the University of California, Irvine; and Research Associate at Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for…

Erín Moure

Erín Moure is, in Pessoan terms, a philologist of the useless, and conducts this business with great passion, mostly in Montreal, Quebec, though she is currently in Fredericton, New Brunswick, as writer-in-residence at the University of New Brunswick. Her latest book of poetry, Little Theatres, is forthcoming in April, 2005 from House of Anansi Press in…

Patrick Donnelly

Patrick Donnelly is author of The Charge (Ausable, 2003, since 2009 part of Copper Canyon Press), and Nocturnes of the Brothel of Ruin, forthcoming from Four Way Books. He has taught writing at Colby College, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Frost Place, and elsewhere. He is a 2008 recipient of an Artist Fellowship from…

Laird Hunt

Laird Hunt is the author of six novels, including Kind One (Coffee House Press, 2012) and Neverhome (Little, Brown, September 2014). His writings, essays, translations, and reviews have appeared in, among other publications, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bomb, McSweeney’s, Brick, and Black Warrior Review. He lives and teaches in Colorado, where…

Cole Swensen

Cole Swensen is the author of 17 books of poetry, most recently On Walking On (Nightboat, 2017) and a collection of critical essays, Noise That Stays Noise (U. of Michigan, 2011). Her work has been a finalist twice for the LA Times Book Award and once for the National Book Award and has won the Iowa Poetry Prize, the SF State…