Search Results for: translation


Interplanetary Postcards: Lessons from the Martian School of British Poetry

Emerging in the late 1970s and already diminishing by the early 1980s, Martianism was a short-lived yet influential movement in British poetry. Principally associated with Craig Raine and Christopher Reid*, it derived its name from the title poem of Raine’s second collection, A Martian Sends a Postcard Home (1979), in which the eponymous alien recounts…

“Digging out weapons in the arsenal of language” :  An Interview with Meena Kandasamy

“Digging out weapons in the arsenal of language” : An Interview with Meena Kandasamy

Meena Kandasamy is a writer based in India and London. She writes poetry and fiction, translates, and often uses social media to discuss issues of social justice. She describes her own work as maintaining “a focus on caste annihilation, linguistic identity and feminism.” She has published two collections of poetry: Touch and Ms Militancy. Her…

The Economic Crisis and Survival of Greek Letters Part 1:  A Tiny Interview with Evangelia Avloniti of the Ersilia Literary Agency
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The Economic Crisis and Survival of Greek Letters Part 1: A Tiny Interview with Evangelia Avloniti of the Ersilia Literary Agency

  This interview is part 1 of a 2 part series on contemporary Greek letters and the economic crisis.  Literature survives. Always has, always will. Modern Greek letters alone have seen the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, two world wars, followed by the Greek civil war in the 1940’s along with its recovery period…


I chose this life I’m inhabiting, the mousy isolation of a writer who distantly teaches, the husband and two small children and the house with its monthly measure of death called a mortgage. Still, I’m wary of accumulation; my impulse is to pare to the bone. We have seasonal fits of surrendering goods, giving away,…

Yardenne Greenspan

Yardenne Greenspan has an MFA in Fiction and Translation from Columbia University. In 2011 she received the American Literary Translators’ Association Fellowship. Her translation of Some Day by Shemi Zarhin (New Vessel Press, 2013), was chosen for World Literature Today’s 2013 list of notable translations. Her full-length translations also include Tel Aviv Noir, edited by…

Lydia Davis

Lydia Davis is the author of The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2009), a translation of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary (Viking Penguin, 2010), a chapbook entitled The Cows (Sarabande Press, 2011), and a poem entitled “Our Village” in Two American Scenes (New Directions, 2013). In 2013, she was awarded the Man Booker…

Osama Alomar

Osama Alomar was born in Damascus, Syria, in 1968. A well known writer of short stories, poetry, and essays in Arabic, Alomar published Fullblood Arabian (New Directions, 2014), his first volume in English translation. A Norwegian edition of Fullblood Arabian was published this year. His writing has been published in Coffin Factory, The Literary Review,…