Winter 2003-04


Guest Editors


Emerging Writers Issue

The Winter 2003-04 issue of Ploughshares, edited by David Daniel and Don Lee. Ploughshares, a journal of new writing, is guest-edited serially by prominent writers who explore different personal visions, aesthetics, and literary circles.

Edited by award-winning poet David Daniel (Seven-Star Bird) and novelist Don Lee (Yellow, Country of Origin, Every Now and Then) , this issue features new works from Alicia L. Conroy, Jay Leeming, and Brittani Sonnenberg. This specially themed Emerging Writers issue presents young, unpublished writers recommended by their published mentors, teachers, and peers. Though not featured in the issue, Daniel observes that the nominators’ letters of endorsement “provided a fascinating glimpse of their tastes, their relation to the world of letters, and above all, their passion for unheralded work,” a passion similarly found in the works featured in the of issue.

Additional information



Issue Number



Winter 2003-04 Vol. 29.4



Publication Date

December 4, 2003


Product Type

Digital, Print